Sonifex AVN-DIO10 Firmware Update – V1.5.172

Sonifex are pleased to announce the release of new AVN-DIO10 firmware version 1.5.172













New Remote Options for AVN-DIO10 Dante® to SDI Embedder/De-Embedder

The unique AVN-DIO10 is used for simultaneously embedding and de-embedding SDI signals to and from the Dante® AoIP audio network. It takes an SDI feed, de-embeds the 16 audio channels and places them on channels 1-16 of the Dante network, mapped using Dante Controller. It simultaneously takes the 16 input channels mapped to the device on Dante Controller and re-embeds them onto the SDI output.

Hardware switches on the unit allow per channel pair embedding of Dante channels onto the SDI output, configuration of the insert mode, enabling of the sample rate converter and the placement of test tones on the SDI output.

These switches have now been replicated in the web interface, so that they can be altered remotely, with a ‘Local Override’ option so that the hardware switches can still be used if required.




















For more information on the Sonifex AVN-DIO10 Dante® to 3G/HD/SD-SDI Embedder/De-Embedder, visit the Sonifex website here.



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