Davicom Sensors and Accessories

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Davicom Catalogue


Davicom offers a complete line of system accessories for your DV units, which includes power supplies, interconnection cables and terminal panels, site simulators, true-RMS converters for direct audio measurement, and sensors that allow measurement of temperature, RF-Power, VSWR, etc.

These products provide detection and analysis of complex signals such as NTSC video (sync, video, colour), stereo audio and satellite-link BER’s. Scientel products include Audio Switchers, Audio/Video Switchers, Digital Satellite Receiver Fault Detectors, Dual Audio Presence Detectors, Dual Video Presence Detectors, FM Power Monitors, TV Power Monitors and TV Demodulators.

To be provided with up to date Davicom Accessories and Sensor equipment please follow the link to the Davicom Website:



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